Apparently, Tom Cruise is "the most amazing man in the whole world". So I guess we can all stop trying so hard now, because this proves it.
Kill me...
Kill me now...
Apparently, Tom Cruise is "the most amazing man in the whole world". So I guess we can all stop trying so hard now, because this proves it.
Kill me...
Kill me now...
In some ways it sucks to buy a house with a garden that requires a LOT of work, especially when you've a) never had a garden of your own and b) have two new babies to take care of. Nonetheless, today it is worth it. Some pictures from our garden. Read the rest of this entry ...
Jonathan Watt, one of the main Mozilla SVG developers sent me a link to this document which he's working on to help instruct the world how to write proper SVG which Mozilla+SVG will be able to render. Give it a read and send him some feedback.
By the way, I downloaded the latest Deer Park Alpha Build (Firefox 1.1 Alpha) and it has SVG enabled by default.
As just reported in the IE Blog and in numerous other blogs/newsgroups (here, here, here), apparently installation of Netscape 8 breaks Microsoft Internet Explorer 6's ability to render XML via XSLT. Could this be the final nail in Netscape Browser's coffin?
I've been pecking a way at this online chat program that I started as an excuse to learn some JavaScript and enhance my PHP skills (as well as get around a certain corporate firewall). It's coming along nicely. Tonight I added a RSS feed for it so that users can monitor the most recent conversation without having to be constantly logged in. I've been trying to figure out a good way to manage the deployment of the web application. Read the rest of this entry ...