Today at dinnertime, Joshua, one of our two-years olds, climbed up onto my chair and sat down, expecting to be fed.
Daddy: Joshua, that's Daddy's chair, you need to sit in your own chair.
Joshua: No, sit, sit ... chair!
Daddy: But if you sit there, where am I going to sit?
After thinking for a minute, Joshua pointed at the chair with his booster-seat strapped to it and said "Sit there".
Daddy: [Laughing] No, Daddy's too big to sit there.
At this point, Sam turned to me excitedly and asked: "Do you realize you are actually having a conversation with your son?".
I've thought about it, and of course I've had other "conversations" with both Joshua and Jacob before, but Sam asked me to remember this one in case she forgets it someday.
My 2 year old has perfected the art of comunicating with one word sentences. Only time he uses more then one word in a sentence regularly is when he carries on conversations with himself.