I just was flipping around the OpenSUSE site and thought I'd jot some of my very naïve thoughts/musings on the recent Novell-Microsoft collaboration announcement. Read the rest of this entry ...
Several months ago, Opera approached me to write some articles for Dev.Opera, their resource site for web developers (currently still in Beta). Today they've posted the second article in my series, dealing with how to use SVG to enhance your web applications.
Please go read my latest article: SVG Evolution 2 and give me some feedback.
Apparently the Chicago area is supposed to be hit with the biggest snowstorm in 28 years for December 1st. So, in celebration, I've turned on the snow in my blog header. For those with cool web browsers like Firefox 1.5+ or Opera 9 (or even the not-cool browser Internet Explorer with the Adobe SVG Viewer plugin) you might need to right-click in the image frame to force reload ... or wait until your browser's cache pops. For those curious, the SVG does not display at all using Emiasys' Renesis plugin ... pooh.
Anyway, sorry for the CPU hit, but 'tis the season. If anyone can let me know if a Safari nightly build displays the snow yet, that would be awesome - you can consider it your Christmas present to me.
Hm, I wonder if I should try to modify the library to use the Dojo2D API in the Dojo toolkit for that true cross-browser effect. That might prove to be a fun little project and a good way to dip my toe in the Ajax toolkit pool...
[Update: Merry Christmas to me. Allan Jardine tells me in his comment below that it's snowing in Safari too. Great news!]
Apparently Firefox 2 is ignoring any style sheets that web site authors may have specified in their web feeds (RSS/Atom). It took me a few hours of idle contemplation to decide how I felt about it, so here goes. Read the rest of this entry ...