Here's a couple cool items I found in the world of Scalable Vector Graphics.
Tibco Now Supports Firefox w/SVG
The Ajaxian guys have a new podcast which is an interview of the Tibco developers who create "General Interface", an IDE within the web browser. Tibco recently released General Interface 3.2 under the BSD Open Source license and have ported the application to support both IE6 and Firefox 1.5.
Within the interview, the developers comment on the great performance of Firefox overall and mention that they were surprised how good the SVG performance in Firefox is.
Inline SVG in HTML
Sam Ruby really wants WHATWG's (X)HTML5 to support inline SVG and MathML. Recently, he wrote a proof-of-concept script to allow SVG and MathML inline with HTML (again, not XHTML). This is, of course, only possible on browsers that support SVG in the first place (like Firefox and Opera), but it does give you the benefit of best-effort parsing of HTML, rather than XML's draconian error handling of XHTML.
Request: Turn ODF into SVG
Bob Sutor makes a good request: The ability to transform an ODF presentation (Windows translation: "a Powerpoint slidepack") into SVG+HTML bundle.
Where is the Opera Love?
Doug Schepers has a great post about SVG and semantics. However, his blog and his SVG samples don't display very nicely in Opera 9. C'mon Doug, where's the cross-compatibility browser testing? 😉
Hey, Jeff- I did test it in Opera. There is some strange bug in Opera that’s affecting the WordPress CSS template I use, but if you reload it, it seems to work (at least for me… it looked fine the first time I tested it). They also treat iframes strangely, adding spurious scrollbars that appear and disappear. I like Opera, but it’s not perfect (or maybe WordPress is getting in the way). I’ve added a few tweaks that should fix the iframe thingie, but there’s not much I can do about the template. The textPath example has an Opera bug as well… the final “d” is malformed, but if you zoom in, you’ll see it rendered correctly. Erik D. from Opera tells me it’s probably a rounding issue. But Opera is also the only UA that actually implements the method=”spread” attribute value for textPath (see that same example), so they get serious points for that. -Doug