Lots of groundswell to try and save NBC's "Journeyman", a well-written serial drama with great writing and tons of potential. Looks like no more episodes have been ordered and episode 12 may be it for this show - so if there's an opportunity to save the show, it closes within the next couple weeks. There are a couple plans out there:

  • Groundlings say to watch Journeyman episodes online Monday night via NBC's website. This costs you nothing, but would send the network a message that there is a fan base. If you've never seen the show, start with the pilot, of course 🙂
  • A comment at the above blog gave out the name of the press manager for the show:

    Park, Joanne

    Senior Press Manager - NBC Entertainment Publicity (Project Assignment: “It’s a Wonderful Life” “The Singles Table” “Journeyman” “The Office”)

    Phone: (818) 840-4579

    Fax: (818) 840-4943

    Email: joanne.park@nbcuni.com

  • Sign an online petition. Mostly worthless, but it doesn't hurt.
  • SaveJourneyman.net is planning to send either Rice-a-Roni or Aspirin to the network (show-related). I might even consider this once the campaign has made up their minds.

I know it's kind of sad to see somebody whining about how their favorite show is on the chopping block - and oh, the injustice in the world (or at least in the business of network television). Ah well, at least I did my bit to spread the word. That's what these self-serving, narcissistic blogs are about, right? 😉

§413 · December 1, 2007 · Entertainment, Life, Television · · [Print]

1 Comment to “Save Journeyman”

  1. muckdog says:

    Save Journeyman – save the world.

    Maybe you traveled to the past to post this blog entry to spur us to mail aspirin to NBC, which will then be used by the Red Cross to… etc..

  2. Careful muckdog – we cannot mess with the timeline too much

  3. PK says:

    The thing is that Journeyman has been better than the show presecing it, Heroes. People really don’t realize what they are missiong out on.

  4. I just created a save campaign ad “Save Journeyman” on YouTube!


  5. I really love watching heroes, it came from boring to a fine tv series now. After watching first few eps, Was like, its another xmen . But it turned out to be fun to watch, hope new episoded will be aired sooner.

  6. aspirin has been time tested to relieve minor pains and inflammation and it is cheap too ,:`