I've been following the Tesla Motors story for about a year and a half now. When my wife had some points to burn on her credit card rewards program, she asked me if I wanted a DVD of Who Killed the Electric Car?. I said yes. We watched it tonight. It made me sad, frustrated, angry - but I'm still glad I watched it. Has anyone had a successful electrical conversion of their hybrid car?
Since my feeds are now customized as part of my theme, I thought I'd take a look at some of the interesting things you can do. I knew that WordPress supports a variety of feeds at different levels (main feed, main comments feed, per-entry feed, per-category feed, etc).
What I was wondering was if there was a way to link each post in the feed to the comments feed of that story. This would allow a good feed reader to let people easily subscribe from the main feed to the conversation feed of a particular story where they have left a comment. Turns out it was fairly straightforward. Read the rest of this entry ...
Sam had a good thought over at Erik's blog. In the past, I've mostly been on the side of referenced SVG for clip art - but he raises a good point. Read the rest of this entry ...
I think XHTMLate should be pronounced "stimulate". Anyway, here's a list of WordPress bugs that I think are important for XHTML: Read the rest of this entry ...
I think Inkscape needs to change its versioning scheme. Knowing nothing else, what would you think of a product that went from version 0.45 to version 0.46? Only minor changes? About half-done? One percent improvement? Not very polished? All of these are far from the truth with the latest preview of Inkscape 0.46. Read the rest of this entry ...