Poo. Declarative animation in SVG won't make it for the Firefox 3.1 release. That's a big shame, though I trust that it's the right decision.
Can a WordPress plugin be written that would sanitize the HTML in my blog comments through this thing? kthxbye
Rather than twittering these and missing a sizable chunk of people who might be interested, I thought I'd post a couple quick links to very cool news in the SVG world: Read the rest of this entry ...
Alp Toker, one of those graphics heavy hitters, has woken up to give us a nice summary about the 'skia' graphics library which Google uses for the Chrome browser. I like that it has animation and SVG awareness 'out of the box', but it probably won't be a major player until it's fully ported to all the major desktop platforms and has matured a little.
Don't ask me how I found this: The book based on the movie based on the musical inspired by another musical based on the novel.
This shake-your-head moment brought to you by Amazon. Now I'm just going to sit over there and wait for those checks to roll in...
Have a good weekend!