I've been following the Tesla Motors story for about a year and a half now. When my wife had some points to burn on her credit card rewards program, she asked me if I wanted a DVD of Who Killed the Electric Car?. I said yes. We watched it tonight. It made me sad, frustrated, angry - but I'm still glad I watched it. Has anyone had a successful electrical conversion of their hybrid car?

§435 · February 29, 2008 · Life, Movies, Technology · Comments Off on Essential Viewing · Tags: ,

I loved Brad Bird's The Incredibles, and in general I love Pixar films. So I was excited to hear about Ratatouille. Today I noticed not one bad review over here. Now how to convince the wife to go see a "cartoon" about a rat?

§385 · July 2, 2007 · Entertainment, Movies · Comments Off on Pixar For The Win ·

My brother, Eric, was the Director of Photography on a feature film called Things To Do. The film is directed, written and starring a couple of his friends: Theodore Bezaire and Mike Stasko. It was in a couple film festivals last year and has received some good reviews. If you're in the Chicago area, go check it out on the Jan 12th weekend at the Gene Siskel Film Theater (apologies for the messy website!). I'll be checking it out (for the first time) either Friday or Monday.

It's also opening in Portland, Oregon this weekend too. And hey, if you're in Canada, apparently you can buy it at Blockbuster as well as Amazon.ca, Chapters and Cinema1.

§330 · January 10, 2007 · Entertainment, Life, Movies · Comments Off on Things To Do in Chicago: “Things To Do” ·

I'm a big fan of the Superman mythos ever since I was a little tot when I first saw the 1978 Superman movie at the drive-in theatre with my parents. I saw Superman Returns last week. Read the rest of this entry ...

§277 · July 18, 2006 · Comic Books, Entertainment, Movies, Superman · Comments Off on Superman Returns ·

Last night in an online chat with the Home Theater Forum, Warners Home Video announced they have finally settled their legal issues with Hearst Entertainment and King Features Syndicate and are planning to release all the Popeye starting in 2007. Here's the press release. The cartoons will be given the royal treatment, just like the Looney Tunes and will be released chronologically. Read the rest of this entry ...

§269 · June 7, 2006 · Cartoons, Entertainment, Life, Movies, Technology, Video, Web · 2 comments ·