
Carve SVG Editor


A chisel, the logo of the Carve SVG Editor

Carve is an open-source, web app for editing vector graphics (SVG). The code and demo are on GitHub HERE.

Deprecated: Desktop Version

This project started back in 2010 as a Qt app. Unfortunately the project languished for years and ended up being close to vaporware. I am keeping this text here for historic purposes (and in case anyone wants to branch and work on the code themselves).

Carve is an open-source, cross-platform SVG editor built on Qt. Currently Carve uses Qt 4.5 Beta.

Carve includes an SVG-aware text editor, dockable DOM browser and Properties panels, a preview window and the beginnings of a graphical editing mode. The currently stable release is the Beryllium release (0.04) available for download now. The next release of Carve will be the Boron release (0.05).

Carve will be released in a series of drops. Each drop will be named after an element from the periodic table of elements.

For Developers or Users with questions, please visit the #carve IRC channel on freenode.

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  • Windows Download: Carve-Be.msi (5 MB)
  • Mac OS X 10.4+ Download: Carve-Be.dmg (14 MB)
  • Linux: Preparation (to be done the very first time only):
    • Download and install the Qt 4.5 Beta, configure, make, sudo make install
    • Download and install QtCreator
    • Get the latest Carve source (bzr co bzr+ssh://<user>
    • Get latest source from repository: bzr up
    • Open the project file in QtCreator
    • Build it (click on the green 'Play' button in QtCreator

Carve 0.05 (Boron)

"necessary for the optimal health of rats, nontoxic"

TBD... please help us plan

Carve 0.04 (Beryllium)

"brittle, light-weight, not known to be necessary or useful"

Carve Beryllium is the latest release of the Carve SVG Editor, released Feb 15th, 2009. Carve Beryllium includes the following new features:

  • Export SVG as PNG
  • Design Mode now supports:
    • linear and radial gradients
    • <solidColor> elements
    • Basic <text> element support
    • Basic <image> element support
    • preserveAspectRatio
    • fill-rule, stroke-linecap, stroke-linejoin

In addition, many SVG rendering bugs have been fixed. Below are a couple screenshots of Carve Beryllium in action:

Screenshot of Carve Beryllium (0.04) showing the selection of a path in Design Mode, the DOM Browser and the Properties Pane are all in sync Screenshot of Carve Beryllium (0.04) showing the text editor and Preview window

Visit the Carve History page for details on older releases of Carve.

Carve 0.03 (Lithium)

"soft, easily deformed, comparatively rare"

Carve Lithium was the third release of the Carve SVG Editor, released Jan 18, 2009. Carve Lithium included the following new features:

  • A dockable Properties pane allowing editing of the selected node's attributes
  • Beginnings of a "Design" mode allowing the viewing and selection of the document elements graphically
  • Find/Replace functionality in the Text editor
  • Undo/Redo

In addition, several UI-related bugs have been fixed.

Carve 0.02 (Helium)

"colorless, odorless, tasteless, non-toxic, inert"

Carve Helium was the second release of the Carve SVG Editor. It was released Jan 3, 2009. Carve Helium added the following features:

  • Syntax highlighting of SVG elements, attribute names, attribute values, comments in the text editor
  • Automatic indication of valid XML
  • Ability to change the font family and size in the text editor
  • A dockable DOM browser pane

Carve 0.01 (Hydrogen)

"colorless, odorless, tasteless, highly flammable"

Carve Hydrogen was the first functioning release of the Carve SVG Editor. It was released Dec 23rd, 2008 - just in time for Christmas. Carve Hydrogen was basically a crude text editor with the ability to open up multiple SVG documents and to preview them in a popup window.

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