282 – Wild and Terrific Justice

Two new members join the JSA in a panel from All Star Comics #24, February 1945
Two new members join the JSA in a panel from All-Star Comics #24, February 1945

In All-Star Comics #24 (February 1945), Wildcat and Mr. Terrific are called in on a case and join the Justice Society of America. Honorary members The Flash and Green Lantern show up to hear about the case.

The story is more World War 2 propaganda told through the re-education of a recently drafted young American who does not believe in the war with Germany. The story makes sure to drive home the point that the only way for the war to end is for Germany to completely surrender and be “re-educated”.

The writers call Germany as a whole a “degenerate nation”, “belligerent”, “mad”. They make the claim that Germans have always been bloodthirsty war-mongers and confuse Germany with “Germanic races” (which includes Swedish, Danish, Finnish, English peoples). Then they claim that Germany must be convinced that the world demands peace and that Allied Nations should form a “Word Organization for Permanent Peace”, which is what Roosevelt called the United Nations.

The ending panel of the Justice Society story in All Star Comics #24, February 1945