After the announcement that the Apple developers have turned on their SMIL support in order to pass Acid3 test, I was excited enough to download the MacOS nightly and run through the SVG animation test suite. I was pretty disappointed. Read the rest of this entry ...
WebKit and Opera are really scrambling to be the first browser to fully pass Acid 3. First, Opera claimed they were at 100/100 in a private build, then Ian corrected the test (based on feedback from Apple developers), presumably knocking Opera back to 99/100. And just now, the WebKit guys have turned on SVG Animation (SMIL) in their nightly builds, putting them also at 99/100. This was a surprise to me, since I had heard that their SMIL implementation was not ready for prime-time, so to speak. Oh well, this is great - now we have a second browser implementing SMIL natively and we can truly start pushing for interoperable solutions.
What does it mean for Apple and Opera fans? Probably a lot. What does it mean for web standardistas? Apple and Opera care (more?). What does this all actually mean for web developers at the moment? Not a single thing. Oh well, time to tally up my own similarly-meaningless SVG support score...
[Update 10:25 PM CST: Apple did it. They are the first to achieve 100/100 in Acid3 with a publicly downloadable browser (even if it is only for MacOS)]
I had heard the advice, but somehow I had not really looked at the actual results. I guess my referenced SVG clip art was causing a bit of a problem in feed readers as the images were only sized via external CSS (which feed readers do not bother picking up). Only after seeing the results of my referenced SVG objects in Planet Mars did I finally get around to doing something about it. Inline styles it is then, until I get around to embedding the images inline when syndicated). I hope this also fixes Opera's handling of my clip art as well. Here is my WordPress quick tag which I use to add clip art to my site:
new edButton('ed_clipArt'\
,'<object type="image/svg+xml" style="float:right;width:6em;height:6em;clear:both;margin-left:10px" data="'
Since the majority of my images are right-floated, for now I don't mind the occasional one in which I switch float:left for float:right and margin-right for margin-left...
My modern Linux experience has been isolated to OpenSUSE 10.1 and 10.2 over the last two years. However, for a change of pace, and since I've heard good things about its package management system, I decided to install Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) a few weeks ago. I've been slowly tweaking the install here and there to get things the way I want it and to fill the same needs that my Suse install does. Read the rest of this entry ...
A significant achievement today from Tesla Motors, as described over at their Blog:
"With this milestone, the Tesla Roadster is the only zero emission electric vehicle in production today"
If things go as planned, a trickle of Tesla Roadsters will start to make their way to all those celebrities trying to do good things with their wads of cash when they're not using their private jets to get around the world. A few well-placed news pieces and endorsements could kick things into overdrive. Read the rest of this entry ...