Sam Ruby has just been appointed co-chair of the HTML5 Working Group. In addition to being an early adopter of HTML5, Sam has been a loud proponent of distributed extensibility within HTML and a vocal critic of the entire HTML5 process in general. I'm glad to see Sam is putting his money where his mouth is. It will be very interesting to see how this will affect the dynamics of the Working Group.

A warm congratulations to Sam and a heartfelt Good Luck!

§514 · December 15, 2008 · Software, Technology, Web · 3 comments · Tags: , ,

I've had an on-again, off-again relationship with coffee. For about 9 months in 2008 I was nearly completely caffeine-free and it was a liberating experience having zero chemical dependencies. With the colder weather and the busy work schedule, I've started to slowly succumb to the Brown Horse again, though I've been pretty successful at keeping it at the 'decaf' level with the occasional Coke slipped in. I still don't get the whole three-to-five dollar drink thing that everybody else around me seems to love to do.

What's your favorite warm beverage in the winter?

§513 · December 12, 2008 · Life · 7 comments · Tags: , , ,

Ok, so I've made the switch from primarily Windows to primarily OS X on my MacBook Pro. However, I still need to occasionally boot into Windows or have Windows running in VMWare Fusion. This is causing stress injuries in my hands and head because of the differences in keyboard handling. Read the rest of this entry ...

§512 · December 12, 2008 · Microsoft, Software, Technology, Windows · 2 comments · Tags: , , ,

Ok so last night before heading to bed, I finally felt brave enough to click that "Upgrade to 8.04 LTS" button that's been sitting in my Ubuntu 7.10 Update Manager for a month or two. This first part was relatively painless: About a gig worth of files downloaded, unzipped, installed, some packages uninstalled, some questions about overwriting a couple config files. However, today was the fun stuff where I actually tried to get it all working again. Read the rest of this entry ...

§511 · December 9, 2008 · Linux, Software, Technology · 4 comments · Tags: , , ,

To help kick off the new SVG community site, I thought I'd write up a tutorial and post it there. It's a quickie and it's maybe a couple years out of style, but it's got some pretty pictures: Gelcap Buttons in SVG. (Some people call these 'aqua buttons').

Disclaimer: The PlanetSVG website is still largely under construction, so please be gentle. Rob is working on a Drupal theme and we still have to plan out the overall flow of the site.

§510 · December 1, 2008 · Software, SVG, Technology, Web · 2 comments · Tags: , , , ,