[clipart]Issue 70 has been open for awhile now. In fact it's one of just a handful of two-digit bugs left in SVG-edit. Now that all browsers have heralded support for SVG into the future, one might argue that the need for this bug will evaporate in a couple years. However, one would be wrong. First, there are lots of mobile browsers out there. Second, in some cases it could be easier to just tell the browser how to draw a collection of dots rather than mathematical instructions (think thumbnails). So how to solve it? Read the rest of this entry ...

§782 · March 31, 2010 · JavaScript, RIA, Software, SVG, Technology, Web · 3 comments · Tags: ,

[clipart]Cameron Adams decided to benchmark Flash, SVG, Canvas and HTML5 using a particle engine he created. Not surprising (to me anyway), the SVG scores were the worst of the bunch. This stands to reason: does each particle really need to be a DOM element? Nonetheless, I decided to see what I could do to make the SVG scores suck less. I thought I'd use it as an opportunity to also teach some techniques.

Update: Added some browser scores for Nov 2011

Read the rest of this entry ...

§757 · March 22, 2010 · Software, SVG, Technology, Tips, Web · 21 comments · Tags: , , ,

The IE LogoSVGAs expected, it was announced today that IE9 will support SVG, DOM Events, XHTML, CSS3 Selectors and more. There were even a couple surprises in there (HTML5 Video!). This finally puts IE9 in the realm of a "modern browser"! Hey! Someone on the IE team needs to send me a SVG image of the IE logo. The one I have is pretty sucky (no offense, Sam). Hopefully that image has an, ahem, gradient in it...

Now read on for more details on their SVG implementation (hey, I know why you're here). Read the rest of this entry ...

§741 · March 16, 2010 · Uncategorized · 14 comments ·

[clipart]Although I've been a Mac convert for well over a year now, the family still uses a Dell Windows XP laptop from a few ages past. That laptop is slow, has a tendency to sound like a running dishwasher and its plastic casing creaks as you type. I'm not a cruel man. So this weekend we decided to pick up a new laptop and that came with a whole whack of stuff for me to comment on. Hello bloggy my old friend... Read the rest of this entry ...

§728 · March 14, 2010 · Uncategorized · Comments Off on Out With the Old, In With The…? ·

[clipart]I've updated my marketshare spreadsheet for February 2010 charting the percentage of web users who can view SVG/Canvas: 37.92%