Two years ago I kicked off this blog in a very understated way. By WordPress's calculations, I've had 306 posts in that time. Here are some highlights of the two years:
SVG Attraction
Within a couple months, I made my first first post about SVG. Since then, and despite its slow and frustrating roll-out in the browser community, I've had an undeniable attraction to the graphics specification (hmm, maybe something disturbing like Jan for Michael last night). I've tried to keep experimenting with the technology (my web stats, some game demos, some JS libraries, my blog header) and posting the latest SVG news from across the web. I even started writing a couple articles for Opera about SVG ([1] [2]).
The Web Development Stack
My first rant about how much web development sucks. This lengthy post eventually made me realize how badly web development has to move up the stack towards higher-level tools and (possibly) new languages/frameworks like Dojo or OpenLaszlo. Let the Web Hacker Wars begin!
Linux Migration
I started experimenting with Mandriva Linux early on in my blog's life, but hard drive failures and a growing realization of how wrong Mandriva was for my needs forced me to experiment elsewhere and eventually end up with OpenSuse. I've been enjoying a stable OpenSuse system for a couple months now with no complaints, just upgraded to OpenSuse 10.2 last month, actually. It's sexier than Windows XP and much more powerful, stable and secure. I even wrote a rather lengthy entry about tweaking MythVideo with an in-depth side discussion of the Linux command-line.
Happy anniversary. I clearly remember when you started and I was thinking, hmm, YAWB (yet another wordpress blog). But cool, looks like you’ve made a name for yourself.