In my spare time I've been having fun contributing to the SVG-edit project this last couple weeks adding really basic features like selection and dragging. The goal is a cross-browser SVG editor that you can embed in web pages that works on any modern browser. My biased definition of a modern browser: native support of SVG. I know there are quite a lot of projects out there that do an online SVG editor already. SVG-edit is still in its infancy, but that's part of the charm I found in hacking on it.

One of the nice things about hosting it on Google Code is that you can rig the Subversion repositories to serve the proper MIME types of the files in question. This means we can have Google Code host the editor and just iframe it into our pages.

For instance, using:

<iframe src="" width="750" height="600"/>

here is the latest stable version of the svg-editor sitting in my blog: