We're sitting in the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Public Library in San Jose, California. Since I didn't bring a laptop and my PDA keyboard is not working this is the only real opportunity I have to blog until I pry the laptop from Rob's cold, dead hands. Read the rest of this entry ...

§238 · March 20, 2006 · GDC, Life · Comments Off on GDC Trip 2006: Part One ·

Yep, I'm still alive... Taking a break from technology for a bit, here's some personal news: Read the rest of this entry ...

§233 · March 8, 2006 · GDC, Kids, Life · Comments Off on Checking Pulse ·

While attending this year's GDC I'm hoping to check out this session on Advanced Prototyping by Chaim Gingold and Chris Hecker of Maxis/Electronic Arts. Read the rest of this entry ...

§225 · February 12, 2006 · GDC, Software, Technology · Comments Off on GDC 2006: Advanced Prototyping ·

I was trying to figure out a good way I could still get my thoughts down digitally at the GDC without having to book time with Rob's laptop. Taking my work laptop on a conference trip when the conference is not related to work is not a good idea. I'd be toast if it was stolen or broken. A new laptop is also out of the question at the moment. So, since my wife no longer uses her PDA (a Sony Clié), I decided to try eBay and I found a portable keyboard I can use with that. I received it in the mail today and I thought I'd test it out. It's a "Fellowes Stowaway XT" for those who care about such things. For those who have moved on to better mobility solutions, just pretend this post is from 1999. Read the rest of this entry ...

§214 · January 24, 2006 · GDC, Technology · Comments Off on GDC 2006: Keyboard A-Go-Go ·

I was going over the Game Developer's Conference schedule for 2006 and came across this session entitled "Collada for the PlayStation3". The reason it caught my eye is that Collada is a specification put forth by the Khronos Group, which I had read about in my SVG research. Read the rest of this entry ...

§210 · January 21, 2006 · Games, GDC, Software, Technology, XML · Comments Off on GDC 2006: Collada on the PS3 ·