Some of you may know that I recently became the co-chair of the W3C SVG Interest Group. Or as I like to call it, The SVG Fan Club. Being the President of a Fan Club is kind of pathetic, but I guess Doug figured I might be able to better channel any excess energy into doing something that can affect more than my personal web traffic numbers. Read the rest of this entry ...
I haven't really given a good 'SVG News Digest' in well over a year, but there was enough recent news that I thought I should post a little bit about what's going on in the Scalable Vector Graphics world. Fair warning: This blog post is long, I probably should have spread it over 4-5 days worth of blogging, but I lose patience when queuing up posts... Read the rest of this entry ...
From a discussion that started with bitterness and vitriol and half-flames came forth a semi-useful discussion in which I was a mere observer. To me, the pinnacle of usefulness came with Henri Sivonen's post which contained a list of use cases. Here was an important one Read the rest of this entry ...