Logo for WebP

Kind of an interesting month for raster image formats on the web! Apple just recently announced that iOS and Safari 14 supports the WebP image format. Yay - in roughly a year, we can use it everywhere on the web without needing to have a fallback solution (like using WASM to turn WebP into PNG/JPEG). Now we just have to wait for the rest of the ecosystem (image editors).

I guess next up is for Apple to get on board with the AVIF format, since Firefox and Chrome announced upcoming AVIF support just two days ago.

§1222 · July 11, 2020 · Chrome, Firefox, Google, Safari, Software, Technology, Web · 1 comment ·

I want to believe. SVG as an image format.I've been busy at my day job not launching code, but over the weekend I had some fun converting kthoom's unzip/inflate algorithm from using binary strings to using Typed Arrays. Typed Arrays mean native binary data that is accessible to JavaScript in the browser, making operations like unzip much much faster (like 4x). Read the rest of this entry ...

§1005 · February 23, 2011 · Firefox, Google, Software, Technology, Web · Comments Off on TypedArrays make me theoretically happy ·

I want to believe. SVG as an image format.Grooveshark recently deployed an updated UI done in HTML5 instead of Flash. In a word, it's awesome. Scrolling is smoother. Text is fully selectable. I like being able to resize the UI (I don't think their previous Flash interface allowed zooming at all). I really hope Grooveshark can find a successful revenue model that will keep it alive. Read the rest of this entry ...

§969 · December 5, 2010 · Google, Microsoft, Software, Technology, Web · 7 comments ·

The Adobe Flash logoWhile it sounds like the name of a bad porno, it's clearly good marketing strategy by Google to bring content authors to the Android platform and to court tool-maker Adobe.

But I still say that the introduction of the iPad is a signal of doom for Flash-as-a-format. On the other hand, as Adobe gets more serious about producing HTML5, SVG, Canvas, JavaScript from their Flash IDE, well...

§847 · April 28, 2010 · Adobe, Android, Google, Software, Technology · Comments Off on Full Flash in Froyo · Tags: , , ,

[clipart]SVG-edit has far exceeded my expectations in the seven months since I've been working on it. The people I've met there have been amazing and it's been really fun to watch the project grow both in members and in capabilities. Without the people working on it, people like Alexis (now the top contributor) and wormsxulla (whip-cracker on UI translations) and others, there wouldn't be a project - that much is obvious. But would you like to know the secret sauce in the SVG-edit project? Of course you would. Read the rest of this entry ...

§589 · January 22, 2010 · Google, JavaScript, RIA, Software, SVG, Technology, Web · 2 comments · Tags: , , ,