The kthoom logoSometimes I get an idea and I just have to see it through to a point where it will let my brain go. At work Thursday we were all slobbering over Steve's iPad and someone brought up how cool the Marvel app is. I had to admit it was much nicer than any piece of software I'd used for viewing comics before on my laptop.

In the meantime, I've been carefully watching WebKit creep closer and closer to implementing the W3C File API (Go Kinuko!). Something I've been eagerly waiting for more browsers to do so you can open up local files in SVG-edit.

And then it hit me. Read the rest of this entry ...

§832 · April 12, 2010 · JavaScript, RIA, Software, Technology, Web · 3 comments · Tags: , ,

The SVG LogoSVGI've updated my marketshare spreadsheet for March 2010 charting the percentage of web users who can view SVG/Canvas: 39.99%

P.S. I should mention that this figure does not take into account any user that has a SVG plugin installed or authors who have used the excellent SVG Web or ExplorerCanvas shims, so this is really a worst-case number.

§804 · April 5, 2010 · RIA, Software, SVG, Technology, Web · Comments Off on SVG/Canvas Marketshare: Mar 2010 · Tags: ,

[clipart]Issue 70 has been open for awhile now. In fact it's one of just a handful of two-digit bugs left in SVG-edit. Now that all browsers have heralded support for SVG into the future, one might argue that the need for this bug will evaporate in a couple years. However, one would be wrong. First, there are lots of mobile browsers out there. Second, in some cases it could be easier to just tell the browser how to draw a collection of dots rather than mathematical instructions (think thumbnails). So how to solve it? Read the rest of this entry ...

§782 · March 31, 2010 · JavaScript, RIA, Software, SVG, Technology, Web · 3 comments · Tags: ,

[clipart]SVG-edit has far exceeded my expectations in the seven months since I've been working on it. The people I've met there have been amazing and it's been really fun to watch the project grow both in members and in capabilities. Without the people working on it, people like Alexis (now the top contributor) and wormsxulla (whip-cracker on UI translations) and others, there wouldn't be a project - that much is obvious. But would you like to know the secret sauce in the SVG-edit project? Of course you would. Read the rest of this entry ...

§589 · January 22, 2010 · Google, JavaScript, RIA, Software, SVG, Technology, Web · 2 comments · Tags: , , ,

[clipart]So Alexis and wormsxulla and all the translators and anyone who opened a bug against SVG-edit should really just be proud, because SVG-edit 2.4, codenamed Arbelos, is now released. Try out the DEMO now. Read the rest of this entry ...

§550 · January 11, 2010 · JavaScript, RIA, Software, SVG, Technology, Web · Comments Off on Just Ship It! · Tags: , ,