One year ago today, Narendra Sisodiya started a tiny project called SVG-edit, with the very first check-in. He was trying to build a white-boarding application that could be used to facilitate online education. Read the rest of this entry ...
SVG-edit has far exceeded my expectations in the seven months since I've been working on it. The people I've met there have been amazing and it's been really fun to watch the project grow both in members and in capabilities. Without the people working on it, people like Alexis (now the top contributor) and wormsxulla (whip-cracker on UI translations) and others, there wouldn't be a project - that much is obvious. But would you like to know the secret sauce in the SVG-edit project? Of course you would. Read the rest of this entry ...
So Alexis and wormsxulla and all the translators and anyone who opened a bug against SVG-edit should really just be proud, because SVG-edit 2.4, codenamed Arbelos, is now released. Try out the DEMO now. Read the rest of this entry ...
Turned on the Christmas CSS and released SVG-edit 2.4 Beta. That should be enough 🙂
Happy Holidays to all the folks out there and talk to you next year!
[clipart]I found The Complete Peanuts 1950-1952 at the library a few days ago and wolfed that thing down. In honour, I thought I'd try my hand again at another comic done in SVG 🙂 Read the rest of this entry ...