Ok, so I've made the switch from primarily Windows to primarily OS X on my MacBook Pro. However, I still need to occasionally boot into Windows or have Windows running in VMWare Fusion. This is causing stress injuries in my hands and head because of the differences in keyboard handling. Read the rest of this entry ...
I've been struggling with disk space in Windows the last little while, having worked on a variety of different projects and installed lots of software over the course of a year. Read the rest of this entry ...
I recently got ahold of a nice MacBook Pro and I'm using it as my primary Windows box at work. It's nice and snappy and I like it, but I'm having trouble getting used to the keyboard, let alone the one-button mousepad. I thought I'd use this post to collapse several google searches into one location. I'll likely add to this list as I learn more tricks. Read the rest of this entry ...
I added some Environment Variables to my Windows operating system recently (right-click on My Computer, Properties, Advanced, Environment Variables). I was wondering if there is any way from an existing Command Prompt to pick those up. I know that all Command Prompt instances after this point will have those new environment variables defined, but I was just curious if there was an easy way to get an existing Command Prompt instance to "re-source" its environment variables.
On the other hand, is there any way to add a System Environment Variable to Windows from the command prompt?