After I wrote this entry, I knew I had forgotten one "gotcha" from my little Remote Scripting experience. I remembered it today. It involves PHP and the annoying aspect of having to declare within a function when you want to use a global variable:
$gSomeVariable = 5;
function somefunc() {
printf("%d", gSomeVariable);
function somefunc() {
printf("%d", gSomeVariable);
The above will not produce "5". Without explicitly telling PHP that gSomeVariable is a global variable, it will assume it is a local variable and currently undefined.
Do you know how many time this has tripped me up? The correct PHP code is:
$gSomeVariable = 5;
function somefunc() {
global $gSomeVariable;
printf("%d", gSomeVariable);
function somefunc() {
global $gSomeVariable;
printf("%d", gSomeVariable);
For all the times I made this mistake: AAAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!!!
Not exactly correct – printf(“%d”, $gSomeVariable);
Or why not try:
function somefunc( $pSomeParameter) {
printf(”%d”, $pSomeParameter);
and get rid of that god-awful global variable!