A simple vector image of a camera
I kind of forgot about the idea of writing in my blog so that I can find the answers again via Google. Well here's a quick one: How to backup the entire contents of your webcam (I own a Sony HDR-XR150) to a "Camera Archive Folder" on OSX.

  1. Open up iMovie
  2. Go to "File > Import from Camera" or the click big camera button under the Project Library pane
  3. Click the "Archive All" button beside "Camera: Sony HDR-XR150"
  4. Choose a location to save the entire contents of your camera (I use portable hard drives)

After doing this, you'll have a "Camera Archive Folder" where you can import movies into iMovie for your editing pleasure.

Screenshot of iMovie and the Archive All button

Screenshot of iMovie and the Archive All button

§1037 · January 2, 2012 · Technology, Tips, Video · · [Print]

1 Comment to “Creating a Camera Archive Folder”

  1. cesarcb says:


    Sorry for ask in other post, but comments are closed in svg blog post.

    Are you planning any future update to svg results chart ?

