Well, two posts in a year - that's better than only one! Let's see, what did I accomplish this year, hack-wise?

  • bitjs, Binary Tools for JavaScript:
    • Added a Zipper to create a zip file in JS from byte arrays (issue #29). No compression, store-only for now.
  • kthoom, a Comic Book Reader:
    • Added a Metadata Viewer (issue #18) and Editor (issue #49) using the aforementioned Zipper.
  • TNO, a turn-based strategy game:
    • Finished rewriting an old, DOS-based game as a web-based game for its 25th anniversary 🙂
  • Carve, a vector graphics editor:
    • Started creating a rudimentary SVG editor in the open. Maybe this was irresponsible of me, given SVG-edit exists and I have lots of history there, but I wanted fresh infrastructure (TypeScript, mainly) and a chance to try and get the architecture right in the beginning..
  • Music playlist service and player
    • Private project where I assembled all my offline music, created a microservice to arrange, list, edit music into playlists stored in the Cloud (Firestore), and accessed via a web music player.

All of these little hack projects are strictly in the service of scratching various itches I have. Any fun projects you worked on this year?

Happy New Year, all!

§1292 · January 1, 2022 · Uncategorized · · [Print]

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